The use of employee time clock recognition is increasing because of three trends, camera technology has better resolution, more versatility that comes from easier processing removes the confines of the security control room and dramatic improvements in computer vision algorithms increase accuracy and performance. These trends have put the EU in a position to make an option considering the legal framework and provide appropriate recommendations applicable to facial recognition technology when used in the context of online and mobile services.The use of eye-scanning in Europe is declining. In February 2012 UK Border Agencys hi-tech eye-scanner program is in danger of being scrapped, with two airports ditching the service and registration now closed. IRIS was a good technology at the time it was implemented, but it takes too much time having problems with lining up their eyes with the camera and does not have the same efficiency as they thought.NFC (Near Field Communication) allows small amounts of data to be transferred wirelessly over a relatively short distance or by physical touch.
The European market, with its unique shutting down their employee time clock, interdependence, heritage and values creates special trends and opportunities for the development of identification technologies and services to maximize the benefit for the citizens and to protect society from any possible adverse side effects.After 9/11 and terrorist attacks in Europe, every indication in the marketplace points to the fact that stronger security is needed.
fingerprint time clock technology can be divided into biometrics, token-based identification systems and knowledge-based systems. This article will focus on biometric identification where technology relies on human characteristics to verify the identity of an individual. Face features, fingerprints, hand impressions, iris recognition or DNA are the kind of physiological features that can be used in biometrics. Biometric characteristics represent a part of a persons individuality and are intimately linked to their selves. Biometric is a complex technology and, supported by new services and improved processes, can realize profound business change.
The fingerprint time clock technology is an evolution of RFID (Radio-frequency identification).A person can for example tap their phone or a sticker with a NFC-antenna against something, and this triggers some response. The NFC Forum promotes the potential for NFC-enabled devices to act as electronic identity documents and keycards.The Scandinavian airline, SAS, are not going to wait for NFC to be part of every phone, but they send out stickers to all gold members that they can use for identification. The stickers hold small radio senders, and they can be attached everywhere the person wants to. This is an identification technology which has just started to grow, and can have very high impact when it comes to using the phone as an electronic-wallet or identification.