Back in the late 1990s, when I was learning to snowboard, there was no chance of being upstaged by a preternaturally talented preschooler whizzing past and pulling a 360 at the side of the piste on which you were failing to link your first turns.The only children you saw on the slopes were skiers. And even if you had been a parent at the time (and snowboarders didn’t tend to be) who wanted to teach your child to snowboard, the word was that they would have to learn to ski first and you’d have to wait until they were eight.There was no definitive reason why. Some said it was bad for their bones, others for knees, while some pointed to a lack of leg strength and balance. Until recently, such thinking remained dominant. More and more teenagers were learning to snowboard but you rarely saw younger children trying.Then came a shift. The US and European economies tanked and brands needed to find new revenue, so they started to seriously invest in childspecific snowboard technology. Most notable was Burton Snowboards, using the slogans: If you can stand you can ride, and, Easier than a tricycle with training wheels. It started to produce superstable, saucerlike short boards designed to make it virtually impossible to catch an edge. These were marketed at the parents of children as young as three.They also Nfl Shop China produced soft boots with Velcro straps, parentfriendly, onestrap bindings (though kids can also ride without) and a Riglet Reel tow rope that tacks on to the front of the board so that you can pull your toddler along like an errant spaniel, while giving them a good idea of the snowriding sensation they are aiming for.Ongoing improvements to soft goods, with outerwear that is better insulated and more waterproof, helped too (as beginner snowboarders spend far more time sitting in wet snow than skiers) and Quiksilver introduced a Grow with grom system so that jackets and pants would last two winters instead of one.Burton then created a series of Riglet snow parks with small hills, low boxes and minirails, tailored for children between three and five.These are mostly in the US, which is a few years ahead of Europe in children’s snowboarding, and include a Star Warsthemed park at Sierra at Tahoe in California, and Superbow Winners a Toy Storythemed park at Jay Peak in Vermont.This winter they have also set up a Riglet Park in Avoriaz, France, at the Village des Enfants, though for safety reasons children can only use it with an instructor.Tammy Esten from Mint Snowboarding, a ski school in Morzine, specialises in teaching underfives. She says: We are getting younger and younger kids wanting to learn to snowboard. It really is Cheap Super Bowl Jerseys amazing to see how quickly they progress with the right tuition, and the latest technology has been key.I ask why people used to say young children should not snowboard. I’m not a doctor, she says, but as far as I’m aware there are no medical reasons why kids can’t learn to snowboard under the age of eight.It’s true that muscle development in the feet and legs of young kids mean that different techniques are needed to teach them, compared with adults, but you would use a totally different approach anyway.Kids need a more handson approach, and have less initial coordination and balance, but this has no reflection on whether they should be snowboarding.I ask if she has any advice for parents. Making sure young kids actually want to learn to snowboard is so important. If they want to ski, put them on skis and vice versa. Let kids realise that they aren’t going to get on a board and straight away be hitting jumps, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to have fun. Don’t overdo it with them. Opt for little tasters Choose Top-ranking Cheap Superbowl 2013 Jerseys Wholesale Super Bowl China Jerseys China Nfl Jerseys For Die-Hard Fans. initially.Aside from the technology, another reason for the increase in the number of young children riding boards is that the sport’s original participants are maturing, with many becoming parents. And as a lot of these snowboarders never learned to ski, they don’t always want their children to learn that sport.Helen Lavender, who coowns Rude Chalets in Morzine with her partner, is one such parent. She says, As we both only snowboard it seemed natural to teach Rocco to snowboard. I’ve only skied once, about 25 years ago.I ask how their son, who is just two andahalf, is getting on. He loves it. Honestly! We fitted one of the Burton Riglet Reels so we could pull him around on the flat to get him used to riding and balancing on the board.Then we progressed to pulling him up the hill and letting him go. It’s amazing, as although he has only been out BE129ZYH riding five times, he is learning to correct himself when he goes over bumps so does not actually fall that much. When he does fall he usually laughs and finds it funny. The next step is teaching him to stop!