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 takes licenses and reports hearsay, a narrator’s sin that endangers his credibility.  Toms Shoes Mens   What is disgusting is      ayzmy130131     that in the end, Nick doesn’t denounce his cousin Daisy, even though he’s privy to the knowledge that Daisy was the driver that fated night, and that Daisy kills Myrtle Wilson (Tom’s mistress). Was this really an accident? Or did Daisy actually run over Mrs. Wilson intentionally? We can only go by Gatsby’s recollection of the accident as he recounts it to Nick. That Daisy was driving and that she was maneuvering to pass a car coming the other way is clear. What follows is that Daisy first attempts avoid hitting Myrtle, but it is possible that as she recognizes Myrtle she changes her mind and runs over her. After all Myrtle Wilson has been a constant thorn in her flesh throughout the summer, causing her much pain, anxiety, and depression. While Nick tells us there was an inquest, he omits telling us that he didn’t testify, despite the fact that his truthful testimony would have implicated his cousin Daisy. Nick then is complicit in the cover up of a hit   toms shoes for sale    and run crime. Furthermore, the night of the accident when Nick plays peeping Tom, he observes Daisy and Tom in a conspiratorial tete-a-tete: “The weren’t happy, and neither of them had touched the chicken or the ale-and yet they weren’t unhappy either. There was an unmistakable air of natural intimacy about the picture, and anybody would have said that they were conspiring together.” (GG, 145). In Garcia Marquez’s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, when Remedios the Beauty ascends to heaven, the reader accepts this fact because the woman in her simple mindedness never sees that her beauty hurts people; or even kills them. But when Nick Carraway paints Daisy as a southern beauty filled with charm and innocence, he scratches a discordant note, for her actions belie that. Is Nick Gay or Bi-? Nick has a fixation with noses and we see   Cheapest Toms Shoes    this under-text surface throughout the narration, and the only way to break the   From

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