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can be washed in a machine, as long as it’sdried on low heat.) Since the team is still developing theBluetooth connection, he was connected to a dress shirtptop by a cable. e. AliAas, who helped develop the mobile app and web site, showed how theinformation about Lorden’s dress shirt could.white dress shirt be viewed. dress clothes onl.ineu could see acalendar showing which days he’d worked out, and how his averageintensity compared to the goal he’d set on various exercises. I.talso showed on a spectrum whether the exerciser is favoring one armversus the other, or working out in perfect symmetry. Faculty advisor Mark Siva.122 k told me that they’ll be testing theshirt with Northeastern athletes this summer. They see the initialmarket as college and professional sports teams. The Squiddoos maysoon add additional sensors to monitor the biceps and abdominalmuscles, and Constantinos Mavroidis, another faculty advisor to theproject, said they’ve had some early conversations with a medicaldevice company interested in the Squid shirt about tracking bloodpressure and breathing. The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as , , and more. For more , please visit today! fmml130114