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I’m a hatter.’Here the Queen put on her spectacles, and began staring at theHatter, who turned pale and fidgeted.`Give your evidence,’ said the King; `and don’t be nervous, orI’ll have you executed on the spot.’This did not seem to encourage the witness at all: he keptshifting from one foot to the other, looking uneasily at theQueen, and in his confusion he bit a large piece out of histeacup instead of the bread-and-butter.Just at this moment Alice felt a very curious sensation, whichpuzzled her a good deal until she made out what it was: she wasbeginning to grow larger again, sadfgag9 and she thought at first shewould get up and leave the court; but on second thoughts shedecided to remain where she was as long as there was room chaussure louboutin forher.`I wish you wouldn’t squeeze so.’ said the Dormouse, who wassitting next to her. `I can hardly breathe.’`I can’t help it,’ said Alice very meekly: `I’m growing.’`You’ve no right to grow here,’ said the Dormouse.`Don’t talk nonsense,’ said Alice more boldly: `you knowyou’re growing too.’`Yes, but I grow at a reasonable pace,’ said the Dormouse:`not in that ridiculous fashion.’ And he got up very sulkilyand crossed over to the other side of the court.All this time the Queen had never left off staring at theHatter, and, just as the Dormouse crossed the court, she said toone of the officers of the court, `Bring me the list of thesingers in the last concert!’ on which the wretched Hattertrembled so, that he shook both his shoes off.`Give your evidence,’ the King repeated angrily, `or I’ll haveyou executed, whether you’re nervous or not.’`I’m a poor man, your Majesty,’ the Hatter began, in atrembling voice, `–and I hadn’t begun my tea–not above a weekor so–and what with the bread-and-butter getting so thin–andthe twinkling of the tea–‘`The twinkling of the what?’ said the King.`It began with the tea,’ the Hatter replied.`Of course twinkling begins with a T!’ said the King sharply.`Do you take me for a dunce? Go on!’`I’m a poor man,’ the Hatter went on, `and most thingstwinkled after that–only the March Hare said–‘`I didn’t!’ the March Hare interrupted in a great hurry.`You did!’ said the Hatter.`I deny it!’ said the March Hare.`He denies it,’ said the King: `leave out that part.’`Well, at any rate, the Dormouse said–‘ the Hatter went on,looking anxiously round to see if he would deny it too: but theDormouse denied nothing, being fast asleep.`After that,’ continued the Hatter, `I cut some more bread-and-butter–‘`But what did the Dormouse say?’ one of the jury asked.`That I can’t remember,’ said the Hatter.`You MUST remember,’ remarked the King, `or I’ll have youexecuted.’The miserable Hatter dropped his teacup and bread-and-butter,and went down on one knee. `I’m a poor man, your Majesty,’ hebegan.`You’re a very poor speaker,’ said the King.Here one of the guinea-pigs cheered, and was immediatelysuppressed by the officers of the court.