The safety issue of a fire on a passenger-vehicle shuttle garnered much attention, with Eurotunnel itself noting that fire was the risk gathering the most attention in a 1994 Safety Dennis Pitta Jersey Case for three reasons: ferry companies opposed to passengers being allowed Deonte Thompson Jersey to remain with their cars; Home Office statistics indicating that car fires had doubled in ten years; and the long length of the tunnel. Eurotunnel commissioned the UK Fire Research Station to give reports of vehicle fires, as well as liaising with Kent Fire Brigade to gather vehicle fire statistics over one year. Fire tests took place at the French Mines Research Establishment with a mock wagon used to investigate how cars burned. The wagon door systems are designed to withstand fire inside the wagon for 30 minutes, longer than the transit time of 27 minutes. Wagon air conditioning units help to purge dangerous fumes from inside the wagon before travel. Each wagon has a fire detection and extinguishing system, with sensing of ions or ultraviolet radiation, smoke and gases that can trigger halon gas to quench a fire. Since the Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) wagons are not covered, fire sensors are located on the loading wagon and in the tunnel itself. A 10-inch (250 mm) water main in the service tunnel provides water to the main tunnels at 125-metre (410 ft) intervals. The ventilation system can control smoke movement. Special arrival sidings exist to accept a train that is on fire, as the train is not allowed to stop whilst on fire in the tunnel. Eurotunnel has banned a wide range of hazardous goods from travelling in the tunnel. Two STTS vehicles with firefighting pods are on duty at all times, with a maximum delay of 10 minutes before they reach a burning train. Organic agriculture is a production system which voids or largely excludes the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and growth regulators. To the maximum extent feasible, organic farming system relies upon crop rotations with leguminous crops, adding of crop residues, animal manuring, , bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides.The objective of organic agriculture is to develop a sustainable agriculture system which maintains and improves soil fertility so as to ensure adequate food production and relies as much as possible upon resources from within its own area. Agriculture is primarily applied biology and is most likely to be successful when it accepts on farm waste recycling, non-chemical weed management, biological pest control and integrated nutrient management. The greatest challenges facing the nation in the coming years are to provide safe food for the growing population in the country. The concept of food quality has changed during Ed Dickson Jersey the recent years, increasing number of consumers in developed countries and developing countries becoming more health conscious. The international market for organic foods are expanding especially in USA, Europe and Japan. The world organic food Ed Reed Jersey market was estimated over US $ 26 million in 2002. Looking at the global demand of organic products, international federation for organic movement(IFOAM), European Economic Committee (EEC) etc. have a set of series of guidelines on organic farming.tuotuGzu0122