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The Bay-Area based online shop has become the go-to boutique for quality and unique fashionable items. Providing a launch pad for independent designers and giving back to charity at the same time, founder Dawn Wheeler gives us the scoop on how came from a simple solution for the hard-to-find white blouse. Plus, she dishes on the must-have Spring 2011 trends!toms outlet SPY: How did you come up with the idea for the DAWN: We got a little fed up trying to find a good quality, great fitting and well priced white shirt outside of Banana Republic, when we only had an hour or so to shop. With our busy schedules we cannot donate a day to wandering in and out of stores like we could when we were teenagers. We decided to create an online store that was very functional and focused on white shirts for women. But, the more we met with designers the more we realized that to limit ourselves to white shirts would be an injustice to all the great designers out there trying to show case their product.SPY: Do you feel there is a lack of support for emerging designers? DAWN: I definitely think there is. Many local designers move to LA or New York when they graduate school, where there is a more centralized support system, but this appears to be changing with the efforts of SFFAMA and local bloggers who promote Bay Area designers and fashion events. SPY: Why buy from independent labels rather than big box store labels? DAWN: Most innovation, for example using sustainable and recycled materials start with indie lines and then trickle down to the big box labels. By supporting them we accelerate the innovation by enlarging their customer base, which in turn allows more dollars to be put into research and development.SPY: What new designers do you think people should pay attention to?DAWN: This is a hard question as most people follow designers that either reflect their style or push the envelope. I like Jarbo, Zoe Twitt and Darling (which is new to the US),toms shoes on sale for fun T shirts I like Blondes Have More Fun and for bags I was recently introduced to Chicks & Girlies.SPY: fmlyn130206 You donate 5% of each sale to a charity. What were your reasons for starting this and do you think more retailers should do the same?