Archive for November 2nd, 2022

[Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск]

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 4.11.2022 Топольський дивитись всі випуски. “Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск” смотреть. Холостяк пост-шоу телепортал. Прибыв на вечеринку, Алекс Топольски “задерживается”, так как выдает себя за капитана полиции. Девушка сказала, что чувствует себя одинокой в Нью-Йорке. Ссылки на официальные Instagram-аккаунты участниц «Холостяка» 2022 вы найдете в профиле каждой героини.

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск О своей будущей второй половинке Алекс говорит: “Я не сторонник отношений, основанных на взаимной выгоде. В дополнение к красным розам в 12-м сезоне также будут доступны желтые, розовые и белые розы. Его путь к мечте не был легким: Алексу довелось испытать все «прелести» жизни эмигранта, сменить несколько городов и видов деятельности. И готов поддерживать мечты и стремления своей второй половинки, что бы она ни выбрала ? домашний уют или карьеру. Участницы сели вместе по общим цветам. Премьера нового сезона романтического реалити-шоу состоится весной, в нем девушки будут пытаться завоевать сердце 32-летнего бизнесмена Алекса Топольски. Она получила видеообращение от сына Алекса.

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпускЭти свидания проходят в разных местах – в ресторане, в бассейне, на яхте, на вилле и т.д. Сам главный виновник реалити-шоу свиданий Алекс Топольский очень многогранен и предпочитает активный отдых и деятельность. Ссылки на официальные Instagram-аккаунты участниц “Холостяка” 2022 вы найдете в профиле каждой героини. Пара отправилась на машине в специальное место для девушки. Он намекнул, что все сложилось хорошо и что ему удалось найти любовь. Парень всегда верил, что сумеет добиться успеха самостоятельно, и сразу после окончания университета переехал в США строить карьеру. Съемки 12-го сезона романтического реалити-шоу “Холостяк” уже начались. Но девушка так и не нашла достойного мужчину, поэтому теперь хочет влюбиться. Она поделилась, что является “вертихвосткой” и имеет много поклонников. «Я не сторонник отношений, построенных на взаимовыгоде.

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск

“Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский”

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский 2022 Алекс Топольський дивитись онлайн 4.11.2022. Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский смотреть онлайн. Новый Холостяк 2022 Україна. Кто завоюет сердце парня и получит обручальное кольцо. Эти свидания проходят в разных местах – в ресторане, в бассейне, на яхте, на вилле и т.д. Сейчас бизнесмен живёт в солнечном Майами, где занимается элитной недвижимостью.

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

Холостяк 12 выпуск 1 В конкурсе победила “фиолетовая” команда: Роксолана, Юля, Виктория, Елизавета и Оля. К тому же на работе девушки снимали “Холостяка-11” – это вдохновило девушку принять участие в проекте. В 12 сезоне главным холостяком Украины станет уроженец Львова Алекс Топольский, который построил успешный бизнес в США. Там были и задачи, которые выполнила пара. Участники конкурса указаны в телефонных справочниках. Сейчас бизнесмен живёт в солнечном Майами, где занимается элитной недвижимостью. Но на 3 месяца он готов взять отпуск для того, чтобы быть счастливым ещё и в личной жизни.

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

Холостяк СТБ 2022Сейчас завидный жених обосновался в Майами и ведет успешный бизнес в сфере недвижимости. О Марине – она работает косметологом в Харькове. Но девушка так и не нашла достойного мужчину, поэтому теперь хочет влюбиться. О своей будущей второй половинке Алекс говорит: “Я не сторонник отношений, основанных на взаимной выгоде. Девушка имела рак, но смогла успешно его побороть. В 12-м сезоне, помимо красных роз, будут также доступны желтые, розовые и белые розы. Любимая книга Алекса – “Алхимик” Пауло Коэльо. В следующем раунде Амина захватила лидерство. И я убежден, что встречу ее именно в Украине». Причиной их разрыва была темпераментность обоих и разница в возрасте.

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

Холостяк 12 2 выпуск (2022) Алекс Топольский

«Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск»

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск 2022 кто будет 4.11.2022. «Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск» смотреть. Холостяк 2022: дата выхода. В ее заведении даже снимали “Холостяк” – девушка решила, что это знак. Это адаптация американского проекта “Холостяк”. И состоявшийся мужчина постарается выбрать себе под стать любимую женщину.

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Алекс Топольский Холостяк 12 – 2 выпуск Он готов поддержать мечты и стремления своей половинки, независимо от того, выберет ли она домашний уют или карьеру. Перед многомиллионной аудиторией, что называется, вывернет душу наизнанку красавец Алекс Топольский. Пара посмотрела ленты, в которых снялась актриса, и между ними произошло романтическое общение. Алекс подарил девушке особый подарок (уже не браслет), но попросил не открывать его. Руководитель проекта ? Юлия Колесник. Как и прежде, знакомство главного героя с участницами состоится в формате Первой вечеринки. В день знакомства с Алексом Топольским девушка призналась, что пережила непростой период жизни.

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Холостяк 12 (2022) Алекс Топольский 2 выпуск4 марта 2022 года на украинском канале СТБ стартует продолжение популярного романтического шоу «Холостяк». Сейчас завидный жених обосновался в Майами и ведет успешный бизнес в сфере недвижимости. Среди них. Девушка подарила мужчине билет до Нью-Йорка, чтобы они могли полететь туда вместе. Увлекается боевыми искусствами, сноубордом, катанием на лыжах, баскетболом и футболом. Следующей была 37-летняя Виктория из столицы. И я убежден, что встречу ее именно в Украине», — прокомментировал Топольский свои поиски любви. Он собирает у экранов миллионы украинок, каждый раз заставляя переживать за судьбы его героев. Он является гражданином США, но все равно делает все возможное для победы. 12-й сезон “Холостяка” можно будет посмотреть 28 октября 2022 года.

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Новий Холостяк Україна 2022 2 выпуск

Can You Really Make Money Betting on Sports

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

For the games gambling masses who do not have an exceptionally exact methodical methodology, the proper answer is a resonating “No”. But when you quit betting ceaselessly your well deserved cash and treat your games stakes like a judicious “Sports Investor”, you’ll depart the less insightful masses path behind to suck up the residue after you bring in money wagering on sports betting the ideal way — no matter if you’ve positively no previous experience. Along these lines, when you wrap up perusing this information, your response will be a resonating “Indeed, I can earn cash wagering on sports” if you discover how to dump the “betting” standpoint and gain admittance into a matches “leading ” framework that truly works. Here’s the ticket…

At the point when you move your perspective from Sports Gambler into Sports Investment Professional, the abrogating question changes from “Would you truly bring in cash wagering on sports? ” into “Why not jettison the matches “gambling ” alongside its expected deplorable misfortunes and work out how to triumph reliably by way of sports contributing? ” Cheer to a definitive achievement!

If you treasured this article and you also would like to get more info regarding ผลบอลล่าสุด please visit our own webpage. Shane Alexander is a property speculator who has of late figured out the best way to earn in money wagering on sports the Ideal path by carrying the “bet” out of sport wagering through “game contributing”, an incredibly exact games wagering framework that you’ll locate a valuable, productive, and easy to follow short video about this:

Whatever the case, such Guru Gamblers who earn money sports wagering on a predictable assumption are essentially Sports Investors since they approach their artwork with profoundly precise techniques. Turning into a Professional Sports Investor necessitates you approach a huge away of near measurements and a group of people who always does the mathematics, dissects execution, and back-tests the entirety of that information to detect rehashing illustrations and patterns.

The best method to bring in money wagering on sports would be to continually pick the champs and limit your misfortunes consistently during an all-encompassing period. Presently you can either spend innumerable long periods of experimentation formulating and tweaking your own games wagering framework, or you can utilize a previously demonstrated Sports Purchasing System.

Regardless of the frame you use, there’s as yet one immovable guideline which you need to cling to, and that’s to never wagered over 10 percent of your “bankroll” on a particular game. As a moderate Sports Bettor, I propose that you put significant idea into setting your bankroll and holding fast for ฟุตบอล this 10% principle.

Be that as it may, those do-it-without anyone else’s help sports bet days are currently a relic of days gone by. At the point when the designers of all these sports wagering framework you use are extremely proficient games w88 android devotees, you don’t should be so learned and above the top about matches whatsoever so as to bring in cash wagering on sports! Furthermore, obviously, all that exam positively must be performed — it’s simply you at this stage don’t need to do it once you’ve got a remarkably dependable Sports Betting System to perform all that snort search for your sake…

Irrespective of whether you’re a genius, newcomer, or any place in the middle of, much the same as the club where the house totally leads, with respect to wagering on sports, the odds are piled in the bookie’s or sportsbook’s courtesy, not yours- — except in the event that you’ve got a surefire wagering frame to accomplish the difficult work for you along with enable you to bring in cash wagering on sports and try to not go to the infamous “helpless house”, any place that’s.

The most astonishing part of a decent games contributing point is that lots of those people who bring in money utilizing them have positively no premium at all in sport. Their premium is merely in bringing in cash on a trusted premise, which is definitely what just some of the effective first-time sports bettors have never actually improve their lives and financial status all the while.

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ на русском языке

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ Украина (2022) смотреть 04-11-2022. Холостяк” 12 сезон учасниці Україна.

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ







Мужчина по национальности украинец, сам родом с Львова. Мужчина предположил, что эти изречения можно выгравировать на браслетах. Стильной Лизой, которая работает в казино и давно не ходила на свидание из-за работы. Это был первый раз, когда Амина, 20-летняя медсестра, разговаривала с Алексом в компании Елены. Впоследствии он объяснил, что белая роза – символ того, что девушка запомнилась особенно. Там его встретила уверенная 25-летняя Саша из Харькова. Он говорит, что с самого детства мечтал самостоятельно добиться славы, успеха и денег.







Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ

Холостяк 12 сезон 2 выпуск 04.11.2022 на СТБ

Multiplayer Online Games

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

Multiplayer Online Games

Ever felt the repetitiveness even at the organization of huge pack of companions. You either enjoy inert talking, watch films, gossip. . .Just set number of options that barely challenge your resourcefulness. Indeed, even the habitual PC and computer games which are single-player exercises. Be as it could, everything changed with Multilayer Online Games. The majority portray it cool, enjoyable and much-better then the computer matches. The best thing is it allows the association of at least two two players nonstop, 24X7, which acquires communication, serious soul. Association, rivalry, competition, social correspondence are the highlights which will undoubtedly happen.

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This digital world of MMOG’s has started incomes and roads. Anybody ponders, its overwhelming to build up the engine that are predicted to run MMO effectively. Players may win and earn cash. MMOG’s are unique compared VeGus to other sort of games. It makes a reality where a match is played independent of the way that anyone is playing staying near you or not. Despite the fact that, players can’t finish the game just like a solitary player matches. It has a larger amount of players in a solitary sport universe. You will find around a high number of players online at a random moment.

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MMO first individual shooters, offering tremendous scope and group combat such as World War II Online, PlanetSide.

Steven Spielberg has burned through $116K worth of jet fuel since June

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022

A private jet that belongs to Steven Spielberg has burned through more than $116,000 worth of jet fuel since June despite the Hollywood director claiming that he’s ‘terrified of .’

The Gulfstream G650 jet has clocked 16 trips spanning 17,000 miles since June 23, according to flight tracking data from ADS-B Exchange that was compiled by and reported by this week.  

Spielberg has previously spoken out about his fear of global warming, calling for ‘everyone’ to be mindful that it could ‘pose a danger to your children and grandchildren.’

‘I’m terrified of [global warming],’ Spielberg said in a 2018 interview for his film ‘Ready Player One.’ ‘Global warming is a scientific reality. It’s not a political trick. It’s a true piece of real, measurable, quantifiable science.

Spielberg is not the only celebrity who has spoken out against global warming while continuing to jet off across the world. 

Kylie Jenner, Taylor Swift and Mark Wahlberg have all faced backlash in recent months for their frequent short flights on multi-million dollar jets. 

Celeb Jets chronicled the journeys of celebrities over the last few months, with many trips lasting less than 30 minutes from lift off to landing.

It comes after the social media page outed Kylie Jenner for a 12-minute flight across California, which saw her branded a ‘climate criminal’ by furious eco-warriors.

Steven Spielberg spotted on a rare outing in New York City earlier this year. The film director's jet has clocked 16 trips spanning 17,000 miles since June 23, according to flight tracking data

Steven Spielberg spotted on a rare outing in New York City earlier this year. The film director’s jet has clocked 16 trips spanning 17,000 miles since June 23, according to flight tracking data

Spielberg's private jet is pictured at Luton Airport in England. He regularly uses it to travel short distances, despite sharing his fears over global warming

Spielberg’s private jet is pictured at Luton Airport in England. He regularly uses it to travel short distances, despite sharing his fears over global warming 

Speaking about his movie Ready Player One in 2018, Spielberg said: ‘I’m terrified of global warming. Global warming is a scientific reality it’s not a political trick, it’s a true piece of real measurable quantifiable since.

‘And people have to come around to believing that were are going to have a confrontation with destiny unless we do something about it today.

‘I think we have to blame everybody that is just, when you are not mindful of something that could pose a danger to your children and grandchildren.

‘Then you just go blithely through life with aerosol cans and doing all sorts of things that are depleting the ozone.’

But this hasn’t stopped the director from taking his $70million Gulfstream G650 jet on frequent trips – some only lasting 17 minutes, like the flight he took on June 29 – a 28-mile trip from Amsterdam Airport to Rotterdam Airport that would have taken him just 36 minutes by car, or an hour by public transport.

Since June, Spielberg’s jet traveled 3,589 miles from Westhampton, New York, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, on June 29, burning $21,183 worth of fuel and emitting 32 tons of carbon dioxide, according Celebrity Jets. 

Steven Spielberg leaves Italy on his private plane in July 2016. He has previously spoken out about his fear of global warming, calling for 'everyone' to be mindful that it could 'pose a danger to your children and grandchildren'

Steven Spielberg leaves Italy on his private plane in July 2016. He has previously spoken out about his fear of global warming, calling for ‘everyone’ to be mindful that it could ‘pose a danger to your children and grandchildren’

Since June, Spielberg's jet traveled 3,589 miles from Westhampton, New York, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, on June 29, burning $21,183 worth of fuel and emitting 32 tons of carbon dioxide

Since June, Spielberg’s jet traveled 3,589 miles from Westhampton, New York, to Amsterdam, Netherlands, on June 29, burning $21,183 worth of fuel and emitting 32 tons of carbon dioxide

The jet then traveled to Rotterdam, Netherlands, and returned to Westhampton on July 1, burning another $24,685 worth of fuel and emitting an additional 38 tons of carbon.

On July 11, his jet traveled from Westhampton to Van Nuys, California, and on July 21 from Westhampton to Knock, Ireland, and on August 4, it traveled from Teterboro, New Jersey, to Van Nuys.

Spielberg’s most recent trip recorded was a flight from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to Teterboro on Thursday night. 

Spielberg, pictured in April 2022, said: 'I'm terrified of global warming. Global warming is a scientific reality it's not a political trick, it's a true piece of real measurable quantifiable since'

Spielberg, pictured in April 2022, said: ‘I’m terrified of global warming. Global warming is a scientific reality it’s not a political trick, it’s a true piece of real measurable quantifiable since’

Spielberg's most recent trip recorded was a flight from Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, to Teterboro on Thursday night. Flight time was only 48 minutes

Spielberg’s most recent trip recorded was a flight from Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, to Teterboro on Thursday night. Flight time was only 48 minutes



At the end of July, singer Taylor Swift was named the ‘biggest celebrity CO2 polluter of the year’ by a that found her private jet has taken a whopping 170 flights since January.

The study released by British digital marketing firm Yard is based on an analysis of private plane flights tracked by the automated flight tracker Celebrity Jets, and found that Swift’s jet logged the most emissions of the pack.

The report came as a redemption for Kylie Jenner, who was branded a ‘climate criminal’ earlier this month for posting a picture of her and Travis Scott’s matching his-and-hers private jets earlier this month.

But despite the backlash over that incident, and another in which she took a 12-minute flight instead of making a 26-mile drive, Jenner did not even make Yard’s top-10 list of celebrity polluters, ranking at a lowly 19.

The travels of Taylor Swift's jet are seen at the end of July, logging nearly 8,000 miles as it crisscrossed the US

The travels of Taylor Swift’s jet are seen at the end of July, logging nearly 8,000 miles as it crisscrossed the US

Taylor Swift is spotted boarding her private jet in Rhode Island in 2019

Swift has been named the 'biggest celebrity CO2 polluter of the year' by a new study that found her private jet has taken a whopping 170 flights since January

Taylor Swift is spotted boarding her private jet in Rhode Island in 2019. Swift has been named the ‘biggest celebrity CO2 polluter of the year’ by a study that found her private jet has taken a whopping 170 flights since January

Taylor Swift's 2009 Dassault Falcon 7X jet is seen in Albany, New York on July 30, 2022

Taylor Swift’s 2009 Dassault Falcon 7X jet is seen in Albany, New York on July 30, 2022

Swift, through a representative, batted back furiously at the report after facing online backlash from fans, saying that she often let other people take her Falcon 7X jet on jaunts around the world.

‘Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals,’ Swift’s rep told Rolling Stone. ‘To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect.’

In the pollution rankings, Swift’s jet narrowly beat out Floyd Mayweather’s for the top spot. Other notables in the top 10 include Jay Z, country singer Blake Shelton, director Steven Spielberg, Kim Kardashian, Mark Wahlberg, and Oprah Winfrey.

Although Swift has remained silent on political and social issues for much of her career, she has spoken out more in recent years, and named climate change as one of the issues that concerned her in a 2020 interview with Variety. 

The study came in response to an Instagram post that Scott’s longtime on-again, off-again partner Kylie Jenner posted to Instagram on July 15.

The internet reacted with fury after Jenner posted a photo showing what appeared to be her and Scott’s matching private jets, commenting: ‘you wanna take mine or yours?’

The study came in response to this Instagram post that Kylie Jenner posted to Instagram on July 15 showing her and Travis Scott's his-and-hers private jets

The study came in response to this Instagram post that Kylie Jenner posted to Instagram on July 15 showing her and Travis Scott’s his-and-hers private jets

Reports also emerged that she had taken a 12-minute flight on her private jet for journey that would have taken just 40 minutes by car, leading some critics to dub her a ‘climate criminal’.

Her jet travelled for 35 minutes from Palm Springs, just outside of LA, to Van Nuys, in Los Angeles, close to her $36million Hidden Hills mansion on July 15.

Two hours later the mum-of-two then flew from Van Nuys, to Camarillo in in Ventura County, California – a trip which took just 12 minutes according to CelebrityJets on Twitter.

The account also revealed that the Bombardier Global 7500 plane travelled from Camarillo, California, to Van Nuys two days before on July 13 – a trip of just 17 minutes.

Her jet then took a 29-minute flight later the same day, travelling from Van Nuys to Palm Springs, California.


The eco-hypocrite jet set: Stars such as Mark Wahlberg, Jay Z and Steven Spielberg lecture us about saving the planet… then use their private jets for flights that take just MINUTES instead of driving

By Emma James For Dailymail.Com

They love to lecture about saving the planet with social media posts about going , cutting CO2 emissions or ditching gas-guzzling vehicles.

But these celebrities then go and use their multi-million-dollar private jets to make journeys that take just minutes – and would often be quicker by car.

One website has exposed the eco-hypocrites for their not-so green credentials, with stars including Mark Wahlberg, Jay Z and Steven Spielberg among those outed.

handle @celebjets chronicled their journeys over the last few months, with many trips lasting less than 30 minutes from lift off to landing.

Wahlberg’s plane took flight for just nine minutes as it jetted across LA, while Spielberg’s clocked in at a staggering 17 minutes.

It comes after the social media page outed Kylie Jenner for a 12-minute flight across California, which saw her branded a ‘climate criminal’ by furious eco-warriors.

Meanwhile her sister Kourtney faced a huge backlash by fans for posting about carbon emissions in February, despite the family’s excessive private air travel.

Aviation experts have said that the focus of private jets should be on ‘responsible travel’, by using ‘carbon offset schemes.

Short haul flights of at least ten minutes can cause 1 ton of Co2 emissions to be created during the journey as well as gallons of fuel being burned off.

Here, looks at some of the celebrities who have been exposed for their staggeringly short private jet flights:

Steven Spielberg – Jetted 17 minutes after saying ‘I’m terrified of global warming’

Steven Spielberg's private jet is pictured at Luton Airport in England. He regularly uses it to travel short distances, despite sharing his fears over global warming

Steven Spielberg’s private jet is pictured at Luton Airport in England. He regularly uses it to travel short distances, despite sharing his fears over global warming 

Steven Spielberg has previously said he is ‘terrified’ of global warming, calling for ‘everyone’ to be mindful that it could ‘pose a danger to your children and grandchildren.

But the director and film producer didn’t let that stop him from taking his $70million Gulfstream G650 jet, on a 17-minute flight on June 29.

His 28-mile trip from Amsterdam Airport to Rotterdam Airport would have taken him just 36 minutes by car, or an hour by public transport.

According to CelebrityJets, the flight used 145 gallons of jet fuel, cost him $1,011 for the fuel and resulted in 2 tons of Co2 emissions.

Speaking about his new movie Ready Player One in 2018, Spielberg said: ‘I’m terrified of global warming. Global warming is a scientific reality it’s not a political trick, it’s a true piece of real measurable quantifiable since.

‘And people have to come around to believing that were are going to have a confrontation with destiny unless we do something about it today.

‘I think we have to blame everybody that is just, when you are not mindful of something that could pose a danger to your children and grandchildren.

‘Then you just go blithely through life with aerosol cans and doing all sorts of things that are depleting the ozone.’


Jay Z and Beyoncé – 47-minute trip goes against their ‘Greenprint Project’

Jay Z had a privte jet gifted to him by Puma, who even personalized the luxury Gulfstream IV with a tail number just for him

Jay Z had a privte jet gifted to him by Puma, who even personalized the luxury Gulfstream IV with a tail number just for him


Power couple Beyoncé and Jay-Z have been encouraging the masses to switch to a plant-based diet with their Greenprint Project.

They want to share the ‘positive impact we can have on the world by eating plant-based meals’ according to the website.

The international stars own a $40million Bombardier Challenger 850, which can hold up to 19 passengers and has a kitchen, bedroom, two bathrooms, and a living room

But rapper Jay-Z also has access to a luxury Gulfstream IV, created and personalised for him by Puma – even created a tail number for him.

The Puma jet flew from Seattle International Airport to Eugene Airport in just 47minutes on July 17.

A commercial flight would set you back $178, and take an hour and five minutes to get to the destination.

Driving by car would take just under five hours, with the commercial flight taking one mile less and results in 0.07 tons of Co2 emissions being used.

The flight used up 353 gallons of jet fuel, costing $2,411 and ultimately creating 4 tons of Co2 emissions.

Speaking about the Greenprint Project, Beyonce said: ‘The information is hard to ignore, the benefits of a single plant-based meal a day can have such a profound impact on our health and the environment, spanning from cutting carbon emissions to conserving water.

‘We want to challenge you as we challenge ourselves to move towards a more plant-based lifestyle and acknowledge you for standing up for your health and the health of the planet.’


Drake – 18 minutes across Canada after launching partnership to ‘reduce carbon footprint’ 

Drake had a Boeing 727 personalized for himself, with 'Air Drake' emblazoned on the engine of the multimillion dollar jet

Drake had a Boeing 727 personalized for himself, with ‘Air Drake’ emblazoned on the engine of the multimillion dollar jet

Rapper Drake flew on his private plane for just 18 minutes from John Munro Hamilton International airport to Toronto Pearson International airport in Canada.

The 35-year-old could have driven between the two in 45 minutes, or 47 miles, but instead used 519 gallons of fuel on July 12. 

According to CelebrityJets his Boeing 767, it would have cost him $3,590 for the short haul trip – adding up to 5 tons of Co2.

His plane, dubbed ‘Air Drake’ has gold detailing on the walls, a theatre room, three private suites, velvet couches and can hold a maximum of 30 passengers.

The star announced that he was partnering with Aspiration last year, after the start up also partnered with Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Downey Jr.

Speaking about the project he said: ‘It’s exciting to partner with a company that’s found an easy way to offer everyone the ability to reduce their carbon footprint.

‘Aspiration’s innovative approach to combating climate change is really inspiring and I hope together we can help to motivate and create awareness.’


Mark Wahlberg – Nine-minute flight across California

Wahlberg, who starred in M Night Shyamalan's climate change thrilled The Happening, jetted from LAX airport in LA, to Van Nuys Airport

Wahlberg, who starred in M Night Shyamalan’s climate change thrilled The Happening, jetted from LAX airport in LA, to Van Nuys Airport

Hollywood superstar Mark Wahlberg completely switched up his died in 2020 to a completely plant-based diet after years of eating huge amounts of animal products.

The Father Stu actor, 50, said that he felt ‘really good’ for the change, and advocated the removal of meat from his diet for the improvement.

Wahlberg, who starred in M Night Shyamalan’s climate change thrilled The Happening, jetted from LAX airport in LA, to Van Nuys Airport at around 10pm on July 1.

He flew just nine minutes in his Bombardier BD-700 plane on the 19-mile trip, which would have taken around 40 minutes in a car with no traffic.

Alternatively, he could have taken a bus, which could have taken just over an hour, to get to his destination.

His flight used up 83 gallons of jet fuel, which cost $579 and created one ton of Co2 emissions.

Speaking to in 2016 he said that he was ‘very aware of the real world’, after claiming that celebrities were ‘in a bubble’.


Kim Kardashian – 10-minute trip on her $150million private jet 

Kim was also slammed by fans for incessantly bragging about her own $150million private jet with cashmere from floor to ceiling and two luxury bathroom

Kim was also slammed by fans for incessantly bragging about her own $150million private jet with cashmere from floor to ceiling and two luxury bathroom

More than a week before her sister Kylie Jenner faced a huge backlash for taking a 12 minute flight across California, Kim Kardashian flew the same route but two minutes quicker.

Kim, star of the Hulu show The Kardashians, flew from Van Nuys airport in Los Angeles to Camarillo Airport in ten minutes on July 7.

The 41-year-old jetted off on her $150million Gulfstream G650, fully personalised with cream carpets, on the 35-mile trip.

Experts revealed her trip would have cost $7200 for an hour if the private jet had been hired rather than owned by the star.

The trip would have taken her just 50 minutes to complete from one airport to the other with no traffic.

Using her private jet meant that 91 gallons of fuel were used, costing her $636 in fuel and creating 1 ton of Co2 emissions.

Previously the star has said that she wants to be more eco-friendly and has been making her various businesses environmentally friendly.

Her SKKN range stats on the website: ‘To further reduce our environmental impact, Refills are packaged inside recycled materials and delivered to you inside compostable kraft bags.’


 Kylie Jenner – 12-minute trip on ‘Air Kylie’ despite eco-conscious products

Kylie Jenner has been called a 'climate criminal' for reportedly taking a 12-minute flight on a private jet after coming under fire for boasting about her and Travis Scott's planes

Kylie Jenner has been called a ‘climate criminal’ for reportedly taking a 12-minute flight on a private jet after coming under fire for boasting about her and Travis Scott’s planes 


Kylie Jenner has been slammed for taking a 12-minute flight on her private jet – for a 26-mile journey that would have taken just 39 minutes by car.

The 24-year-old billionaire was blasted as a ‘climate criminal’ for her short haul journey across California last week despite her lectures on protecting the environment.

She took her $70million ‘Kylie Air’ private plane twice across the county on July 13, and again just two days later on July 15.

The Bombardier Global 7500 jet travelled for 35 minutes from Palm Springs, just outside LA, to Van Nuys, near her $36million Hidden Hills mansion on July 15.

Two hours later the mum-of-two then flew from Van Nuys, to Camarillo in in Ventura County, California – a trip which took just 12 minutes .

Earlier, on July 13, Kylie had also flown from Camarillo to Van Nuys a trip of just 17 minutes. She had then taken a 29-minute flight, going from from Van Nuys to Palm Springs.

Experts revealed her trip would have cost around $1600 to just fuel the plane, but if the private jet had been hired it would have set her back about $7200.

Had the star driven the 26-mile trip from her home in Hidden Hills, to Camarillo it would have taken her just 39 minutes without the horrendous traffic that is usual in those areas.

But instead she drove 30 minutes in the wrong direction to Van Nuys airport, before jumping on the plane – with the journey taking longer despite the 12-minute flight.

She has consistently plugged the eco-friendly products she buys for her daughter Stormi, four, as well as telling her 359million social media she was going ‘vegan and clean’ with her products because it was ‘time to elevate.’


The jet-setting hypocrisy of the super-rich climate preachers!

BY ISOLDE WALTERS for the Mail on Sunday 

Katy Perry: Flew Kim’s false nails 2,451 miles 

When Orlando Bloom accepted an award for environmental campaigning in 2018, he urged: ‘The urgency of climate change has never rung louder… The world is changing and we need to change our habits along with it.’ 

However, it later emerged the Hollywood actor, 45, had flown to the event in Monaco with his fiancée, pop singer Katy Perry, on a private jet.

In 2015, Perry, 37, brunswick told fans: ‘Share your story on how you are helping to reduce climate change with the hashtag #FightUnfair.’ 

Three years later she reportedly flew false nails for Kim Kardashian by private jet 2,451 miles from LA to New York after the reality star forgot to pack them. 

Perry was seen leaving a private jet in France in July 2021.

Katy Perry, right, and with daughter Daisy, above, last July

Katy Perry, right, and with daughter Daisy, above, last July 

Brooklyn: I cut back on water for tea

The whole Beckham family has advocated action on climate change. 

David and Victoria’s eldest son Brooklyn told GQ Magazine in April last year: ‘I do the basics, like not letting the water run when I brush my teeth, measure out my water for tea and I do not let the water run when I shower. Easy things like that make a difference.’

Yet the 23-year-old and his wife, heiress Nicola Peltz, 27, travelled by private jet on their first Christmas together in 2019. 

He also flew with his family by private jet to Miami in December 2020. 

Victoria and David flew by private plane to Brooklyn and Nicola’s Palm Beach wedding in Florida in April.

Brooklyn Beckham, wife Nicola and one of their dogs on the runway in 2020

Brooklyn Beckham, wife Nicola and one of their dogs on the runway in 2020

Harry: Fans urged to sign up to concert ‘eco villages’

Harry Styles may have launched a climate change campaign with his former One Direction bandmates – but that hasn’t stopped him zipping around the globe on private jets to venues where he is performing.

In July 2015, One Direction worked with Save The Children to urge young fans to play their part in protecting the Earth and ‘put pressure on our leaders’

The Watermelon Sugar singer also set up ‘eco village’ stands at gigs on his Love On Tour, which encouraged fans to ‘take action for the climate’. 

Yet last October, Styles, 28, was seen landing in Orlando, Florida, on a private jet. 

He was also in attendance at the ‘Camp Google’ climate summit in 2019, where VIPs including Prince Harry arrived on 114 different private jets. 

A source close to Styles said he uses commercial flights as well.

Last October, Styles, 28, was seen landing in Orlando, Florida, on a private jet

Last October, Styles, 28, was seen landing in Orlando, Florida, on a private jet

Sussexes: Barefoot speeches for Google 

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have spoken out to urge more action to protect the planet. 

In June 2019, the couple told their nearly 10 million Instagram followers: ‘With nearly 7.7 billion people inhabiting this Earth, every choice, every footprint, every action makes a difference.’

A month later, Prince Harry, 37, travelled to the island of Sicily via private jet to make a barefoot speech at a Google summit on climate change. 

In May last year, he said: ‘We need to do better about stopping or allowing the things that are causing so much harm.’ 

Yet in June, the couple hopped on a Bombardier Global 6000 – one of the most polluting types of private jet – back to California after a three-day stay in the UK for the Platinum Jubilee. In the past year, they’ve taken at least six private jet flights.

Meghan exiting a jet with Archie in 2019

Meghan exiting a jet with Archie in 2019

Djokovic: Educate children to recycle

Novak Djokovic has spoken candidly about how much he cares for the natural world. 

Last August, the Serbian tennis legend, right, said: ‘Environmental issues are essential. Not just for me, I think it should be essential for anybody else. This is the only planet we’ve got and so we might as well try to take care of it.’

A blog on his Novak Djokovic Foundation’s website in 2019 urged parents to be ‘eco role models’ for their children by getting them to recycle and not waste water.

Yet Djokovic, 35, flies around the world on a private jet supplied by rival Roger Federer’s firm NetJets, which hires its fleet to VIPs. 

The company has sponsored Djokovic since 2015 and he ‘owns’ part of a plane under a fractional ownership arrangement.


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